This Kanna is named "honour of master carpenter". It is hand-crafted by master blacksmith Nakano-san in Niigata Japan of a forge-welded Aogami (Blue) #1 steel and iron cladding taken from a 19th century bridge.
- Toryo Homare Kanna (Japanese Woodworking Plane)
- Blacksmith: Takeo Nakano
- 70mm Triangle Head Blade
- Aogami (Blue) #1 Steel Blade
- Soft Iron Clad
- Forge Welded
- White Oak Timber Body
- 290 x 90 x 37mm
- Timber Kiri-Box
- Hand-Crafted in Yoita-Niigata, Japan
Japanese Woodworking Tools | Kanna (Planes)
The Japanese woodworking plane, known as kanna in Japan, is one of the most pleasing and rewarding hand tools to use. Like their nokogiri (hand saw) cousins, the kanna cuts on the pull stroke, unlike western woodworking planes that cut when pushed. Most kanna do require a small amount of set-up (known as tuning) before use, not a complicated task.